I was shocked to read a series of letters to the SDMS that some sonographers are not receiving the benefit of vaccination for the COVID-19 virus.
Do I detect a double standard in which some people are getting the vaccine by their employer while others in the same environment are not treated the same way? It would be helpful if facilities would publish the criteria that is being used to determine who does and who does not get or need this vaccine.
It seems unreasonable that sonographers who spend as much as eight hours a day with their hands-on scanning of ten or more patients could rank behind other allied health professionals and physicians who have less contact with the patients directly than does a sonographer. In fact, I don’t know any other allied health profession that has more direct patient contact with longer durations than sonographers do.
I think the time has come for sonographers to stand up and be counted. The first thing I would do is find out what criteria is used to determine who does and who does not receive this vaccine in your facility. I would then document the work routines such as average time spent with hands on each patient and the number of unique patients scanned per day and week, per sonographer. Also document whether visitors are present with the patient and sonographer during exams.
After the information is tabulated, work with your manager or director to schedule a meeting with the department governing the disbursement of the vaccines and review where you stand compared to others in the facility who are receiving vaccinations. If you can’t qualify immediately, this information may move you to the front of the line for the next round.
It is also important to note that an exposed sonographer may in turn expose other staff. This can and does lead to reduction of diagnostic services due to sonographers being out on leave from Covid. This can be particularly important in a small department if three or more sonographers are out sick at the same time for an extended period.
Sonographers testing positive for Covid not only put other ultrasound staff at risk but due to the number of patients and nurses they see on a weekly basis, can further increase the cross-contamination risk within an entire healthcare facility.
The definition of ergonomics is the science of fitting the work environment to the worker. Providing sonographers the vaccine that will protect them, is directly fitting the work environment to the worker. This definition qualifies for the administration of the vaccine as part of ergonomics even if other risk factors do not prioritize them for vaccination with their front-line colleagues.
How can Sound Economics help you get what you need to protect yourself from this virus? If you are having issues with access to vaccination in your facility, please contact us so we can do what we can to provide the information necessary to help our fellow sonographers get through the pandemic as safely as possible while not interrupting ultrasound diagnostics.