ADA Tax Credits

ADA Tax Credits

Let Uncle Sam pay YOU to be safe! The intention of the ADA is to prohibit discrimination because of disabilities that affect mobility in places “open to the public”, including office buildings, factories, and other places in which employment will occur.

This Disabled Access Tax Credit has been granted by Congress to encourage taxpayers to remove impediments to mobility (i.e., “access”) of the handicapped and of elderly persons in public accommodations and commercial facilities to comply with the ADA of 1990, P.L. 101-336, effective January 26, 1992. The Tax Credit is available to eligible small businesses for eligible access expenditures. Businesses may take the credit each year that it makes eligible access expenditures.

For additional information on the Disabled Access Tax Credit (Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, Section 44), contact your accountant, the IRS or the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (